среда, 10. април 2013.

The wolves of Mercy Falls

Wolves of Mercy Falls

The wolves are coming,and Grace is redy for totaly change of her life.Sam her yellowed-eye wolf is here,but like a men,and she fall in love whit him.But can that stay for ever,will Sam fight to stay a human,or he wil lose him self forever,and never be a man again...That is Shiver,the next part is Linger,and the last part is Forever.I just started to read Shiver,the book is amazing,i love it,soo I wanted to show you some pictures of Mercy Falls wolves.Here thay are...

This is from shiver's autor Maggie Stiefvater...

This is from Shiver,Sam is saying that,and anodher is from Linger Grace says that...

This two are Sam and Grace...
Aren't they cute....

And there are mote texts too...

This says Grace,and this yellow is from Isabel,that is one girl from book...

And another pictures

The wolves of Mercy Falls...


 The wolves are calling.....

You know in Linger Grace will be a wolf,but Sam will stay human.
But first both of them will be humans.
And this is scene when the first book Shiver ends,she taught that she killed him but suddenly he appears,and she starts crying,and that's the end,i finished Shiver today on 1.may.2013,so I put some things in this post because I know how ends the firs book.
This is that scene for the end,she puts food in bird-house and than he came...

And this is the end,when I finish another two chapters I will make another post for this,Buy,see you!

четвртак, 4. април 2013.



Something about Serbia...

Well I wanted to tell you something about my country Serbia.My last post was about Hungary so I decidet it would be great to tell you about Serbia too.

But I will not talk about whole Serbia I will talk about Nis.
Nis was the most beautiful city when hi was old,there were all those stores,bakeries,sweet shops,clothes shops whit all dresses,and umbrellas,and woman hats...And I cant tell you really much but pictures can.

I really hope you like it but now I will tell you mote about Nis...

Nis, one of the oldest towns in the Balkans, on the crossroads connecting Europe with the Middle East, has been called the gate of the East and the West for long long time.

It is there that, along the Morava river, several directions meet – that towards the north, namely Belgrade, and further towards West Europe, the one towards the south, along the Vardar river valley, towards Thessaloniki and Athens, and the one towards the East, along the Nisava and Marica valley, towards Sofia, Istanbul and further towards the Middle East. And Nis is one of the most beautiful towns in Serbia.
The town was named after the Nisava river, on the bank of which it was built. The oldest preserved artifacts which can point to the time of its exact origin date from 4000 BC and are exhibited in the Archaeological Museum in Nis. Historians call it the town of emperors, as it was the birthplace of Constantine the Great, perhaps the greatest Roman emperor, who, by the Edict of Milan in 313 proclaimed Christianity as the official religion in the Roman Empire. The 1,700 anniversary of this event will be marked with a big celebration in Nis in 2013. At the time of Constantine the Great, Nis, the then Naissus, had a luxurious suburb called Mediana, to which the remnants of villas, baths, sculptures and mosaics testify. It is one of the stops on the Roman Emperor Trail, a tourist tour through Serbia featuring birthplaces of 17 Roman emperors.

 think you will like to here this about Serbia...

For years, the town of Nis was under the Turkish rule and it is from that period that the Nis Fortress, built in 1723, traced its descent. That fortress is ranked among the most beautiful and preserved Ottoman edifices in the Balkans. Today, it houses an Art Pavilion, galleries and a research centre, but the most prominent feature there is the Summer Theatre, hosting film and music festivals. The Royal Palace, a comfortable residence of Muslim estate owners, also dates from that period. One of the most famous sights of Nis is the Cele Kula tower, which the Turks made of skulls of Serbia heroes after the battle on the Cegar hill, on 31 May 1809, during the First Serbian Uprising. 

Today, Nis is the administrative centre of the Nisava district and the regional centre of southeastern Serbia. It is also the industrial and tourist centre of national significance. Being a junction of European roads and railways and having an airport, it is easily accessible from all directions. It is a modern university town and is also an educational, social, economic, health, cultural and sports centre of southeastern Serbia.And Nis is one of the most beaggest towns in serbia.
Only some ten kilometers far from the town, one can pay a visit to the Niska banja spa. One should not miss a visit to the Sicevačka gorge, a canyon through which the Nisava River flows and on the slopes of which there are some 30 beautiful churches and monasteries. Its beauty earned this ravine the title of a special natural reserve.I would be a great thin to wisit Nis becouse it is a great place,and there is many things to see,you wont regret.

 This is court,i is placed in the centre of city.
But there are a lots of restoraunts in Nis.And there are 3 shopping centres.

And this pictures are for Niska banja spa...


And this is a church in Niska banja spa...

I hope you like it you can always coment...  
Good buy till next post...

среда, 3. април 2013.


This is Hungary.....

Did you ever went to Hungary,it is a beautiful place.I decided to show you some pictures of Hungary,becouse I am sure you are gonna like it.So here they are.

This is Hungarys parlament in Budapest the capital city of Hungary.It looks really beautiful.This big river is called Danube.Then this is the next picture...

Beautiful capital city of Hungary, located on the middle course of the Danube. You've probably heard the story of two cities, Buda and Pest, which were merged into one city. In addition to wonderful cultural and historic buildings on both sides of the Danube, do not forget to visit the National Gallery of data, and certainly see the Royal Palace, built in the 13th century and heritage. St.Matthias and beautiful bridges.I really hope you like this becouse it is not over,i have more pictures but I will just put pictures no more text.

And just want to say that this is Parlament building but looks more beautiful becouse it is dark.

A Hungary square...

  This is a little about Hungarys culture...

уторак, 2. април 2013.


I just want to say that some posts will be on english,and my story will be on english the real name of story is Meseceva reka but for some people who dont speak serbian,Iwill wrote the same story called Moon river...

понедељак, 1. април 2013.

Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater

Ja mnogo volim da citam novele pisca Maggie Stiefvater,pna je jedna od mojih omiljenig autora.Njene knjige koja sam procitala su me odusevile to su knjige Vilina Sonata(Lament) i Vilina Balada(Ballad).
                                                     Vilina sonata jje prvi deo,u njoj je glavni lik Deirdre Moneghan,ali sam odlucila da vam prepricam Vilinu Baladu,a u njoj je tu takodje Deirde samo sto je glavni lik u Vilinoj Baladi njen najbolji prijatelj James Morgan.On je jedna muzicka nadarenost,ali je uvek samo sledi Deirdre jer je ona takodje izvanredno svirala harfu,a on je svirao gajde,ukratko da kazem u prvom delu Deirdre se zaljubljuje u serijskog ubicu Luka Dilona kojeg je poslala kraljica vila da je ubije zato sto je bila najaci detelinas i sve vile i vilenjaci su sledili nju umesto kraljicu zbog toga je ona bila ljubomorna,ali tada James dozivljava nesrecu koju su mu namestile kraljicine sluge i on umalo umire ali mu Deirdre poklanja zivot koji je dobila na poklon od dobrih vila i vilenjaka koji nisu voleli kraljicu.E a u drugom delu sve se menja,Jamesova nadarenost privlaci Nualu vilinsku muzu kradljivicu dusa koja se hrani muzicki nadarenim ljudima kao sto je James,ona njima daje takve muzicke ideje i takve divne kompozicije koje nijedan covek ne moze da smisli ali njoj ti ljudi zauzvrat daju svoje godine zivota,u Baladi tu je i jedan veoma zanimljiv profesor Patrick Sullivan ali ga svi zovu po prezimenu on je bio muz-covek jedne kraljicine sluskinje po imenu Elaenora ali je ona sad postala kraljica nakon sto je Luk Dilon ubio bivsu kraljicu da bi spasao Deirdre od sigurne smrti.E pa Sullivan se odrekao 2 godine zivota samo da deca koja pohadjaju skolu Torking Es nebi prolazila kroz te iste stvari koje su se njemu desavale ali James sve to menja njegovom vezom sa Nualom.Nuala se zaljubljuje u Jamesa i pomaze mu u svemu a zbog ljubavi od njega jednostavno ne moze da trazi njednu godinu zivota ali to je problem ina je Lenon Sida kradljivica dusa i na od toga zivi na svakih 16-godina Lenon Side bidi zive spaljivane na lomacama da bi se ponovo rodile i nastavile da zive ali tim procesom one gube secanje i radjaju se kao neke potpuno druge osobe,ali je ona bila toliko zadovoljna sobom da nije zelela da je spale a ako se to ne desi umrece.James se toliko zaljubljuje u nju da se upusta u bitku sa kraljicom vila,dok Deirdre svakog dana place jer je Luk Dilon postao druga osoba i ona ga vise ne voli,sada se zaljubljuje u Jamesa ali o nju vise ne voli,a Nuala luduje jer ove godine na Dan svih svetih treba da bude spaljena.U prici se sada pojavljuje i Kernanes kralj mrtvih cuvar umrlih dusa.On je ustvari Nualin pravi otac.Nakraju Nuala treba da kaze Jamesu svoje pravo ime kako bi ga on sedam puta izgovorio za vreme dok Nuala gori na limaci.Ah zaboravila sam da kazem da je tu i Pol Jamesov cimer,sa njim spava u sobi u T.K.(Torking Es).Nakraju James upoznaje Kernanesa,Nuala gori,Pol je umesan u sve ovo,aDeirdri treba da izvade srce i da ka stave u kraljicinog muza-coveka da bi on ima moc da ga prate sve vile i svi vilenjaci.Ali Kernanes je Jamesu rekao jednu vaznu stvar da na Dan svih svetih treba da napravi izbor koji mu nanosi bol.Necu vise da vam pricam jer sam vam onda rekla celu knjigu.Evo pogledajte neke slike na kojima je Nuala.
      Na prvoj slici je Nuala,a na drugoj je Nuala kako drzi knjigu pored Jamesa on drzi gajde sa njegove druge strane namrsteno stoji Deirdre pored koje se nalazi Kernanes,(on ima rogove).