среда, 10. април 2013.

The wolves of Mercy Falls

Wolves of Mercy Falls

The wolves are coming,and Grace is redy for totaly change of her life.Sam her yellowed-eye wolf is here,but like a men,and she fall in love whit him.But can that stay for ever,will Sam fight to stay a human,or he wil lose him self forever,and never be a man again...That is Shiver,the next part is Linger,and the last part is Forever.I just started to read Shiver,the book is amazing,i love it,soo I wanted to show you some pictures of Mercy Falls wolves.Here thay are...

This is from shiver's autor Maggie Stiefvater...

This is from Shiver,Sam is saying that,and anodher is from Linger Grace says that...

This two are Sam and Grace...
Aren't they cute....

And there are mote texts too...

This says Grace,and this yellow is from Isabel,that is one girl from book...

And another pictures

The wolves of Mercy Falls...


 The wolves are calling.....

You know in Linger Grace will be a wolf,but Sam will stay human.
But first both of them will be humans.
And this is scene when the first book Shiver ends,she taught that she killed him but suddenly he appears,and she starts crying,and that's the end,i finished Shiver today on 1.may.2013,so I put some things in this post because I know how ends the firs book.
This is that scene for the end,she puts food in bird-house and than he came...

And this is the end,when I finish another two chapters I will make another post for this,Buy,see you!

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