среда, 29. мај 2013.

I know,I know!I didn't made a new post I think for two or three weeks,but I'm gonna make one and that's these post.It's just about a relaxing Celtic music just listen and you will feel better...


среда, 15. мај 2013.

Get dressed in 10 minutes...

I decided to make one post about fast dressing.This stuff,are not complicated to wear at all,and I made some creations,so if you are creative like me you will enjoy,watching and trying this clothes type...

This type of outfits you can wear almost every day,but you need to change your outfits some times.
For some girls that are like me I made more casual creations,but I always make formal creations too,and I don't tell so much,and that's the reason I'm making more pictures.Like this enjoy...
Untitled #13

This outfit is made for weekend get away...


This is a bit of formal,but not too much

Untitled #15

It's spring so we always need some floral dresses in wardrobe,some dresses like this three..

Untitled #16
I'm gonna finish this post,next day.

недеља, 5. мај 2013.


Hello from Zlatibor,I decided to show you some pictures from my 1.may vacation...
Have fun...

Zlatibor's lake...

And forest's...

This forest behind the house is beautiful...

I am not really good at taking pictures so they are not very beautiful...
And this is a little grey,scared rabbit...

And forest again...

I hope you like it,BUY TILL NEXT POST!!!!!